Le meilleur de l'existence est encore devant vous!!!
The best is yet to come, don't give up !!!
"It is in the quiet crucible of your personal private sufferings that your noblest dreams are born and God's greatest gifts are given in compensation for what you've been through" - Wintley Phipps
............I wish you and your loved ones prosperity, good health, wealth, happiness, greener pastures, abundant blessings, during this Christmas and throughout the coming year (2010). May heaven smile upon you and may God bless your day light as never before. I thank my God every time I remember you. [Psalm 128:5] May the LORD bless you from heaven all the days of your life.
Early winter snows forced French authorities to close the Eiffel Tower on Thursday and disrupted transport as northwest Europe shuddered under a pre-Christmas cold snap. Skip related content Related photos / videos The French capital and much of the north of the country awoke to find a 7cm blanket of …More Enlarge photo
* The French capital and much of the north of the country awoke to find a 7cm blanket of …More Enlarge photo * VIDEO: Paris, a winter wonderland. Enlarge photo
The French capital and much of the north of the country awoke to find a seven-centimetre (three inch) blanket of snow, which delayed flights from Charles de Gaulle airport by up to two hours.
The iconic Eiffel Tower was closed to visitors, and train and bus services were delayed in many areas, as daytime temperatures dropped below zero for the first time in the year and black ice coated northern roads.
Snow also fell in Britain, Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands and weather experts forecast worse to come, with disruption especially in Scotland and northern England.
The northern Netherlands experienced the worst falls in four years, with snow up to 25 centimetres deep in places, the national weather service said, while all bus services in the region were cancelled.
In Belgium black ice turned roads into skating rinks, particularly the Brussels ring road and the motorway from the capital to Lille in northern France.
Numerous flights were cancelled and delayed at Brussels airport. http://uk.news.yahoo.com/
Public : cette présentation vise les professeurs qui comptent faire leur stage de M2FLE au Nigeria
Description du contexte : Contexte social, langues parlées, éléments socio-historiques et économiques.
Politique et image extérieure
Le Nigeria s’est imposé comme un acteur diplomatique de premier plan en Afrique de l’Ouest et au sein de l’Union africaine. Il contribue à promouvoir la CEDEAO, dont le siège est à Abuja. En 2007, le Nigeria a pesé de tout son poids au sein de cette organisation pour que celle-ci refuse de signer dans les délais impartis un Accord de Partenariat Economique (APE) avec l’Union Européenne (UE). La CEDEAO constitue un instrument fondamental de l’influence du Nigeria en Afrique et dans sa relation avec l’UE...
cliquez sur le lien : http://www.edufle.net/STAGE-DE-FLE-AU-NIGERIA
My father Prince Joel Ero Obaigbona was born on 12th October, 1918 to the royal family of His Royal Majesty, King Stephen Ekoko Obaigbena, the Obi of Owa and Mrs Nwakaegho Obaigbena (nee Okonta of Owa Alero).
For those who have experienced loss, there isn't much you can do except remember the good times and carry that person's spirit in your heart.
I am so thankful for the time I had with dad on this earth and the many memories that I will always cherish. The example he left us with was to live a life full of charity, to love all and to have the fear of the LORD. And he always lived that way. Dad, your last message on Love (john 3:16) during your installation as the IHAMA OF OWA was powerful, you are indeed A DEFENDER OF THE CHRISTIAN FAITH!
You taught us how to raise an altar before the LORD: the early morning devotion! The morning prayers and devotions will not be the same again. We will miss your presence and contributions!
How lucky I am to Have had a dad like you Someone who took an Interest in all that I did
You were always there To lend an ear Really dad You were such a dear person