Today marks the 3rd anniversary of my Dad’s passing. 3 years! It’s humorous to think that it has been that long yet it only feels like yesterday sometimes. I wanted to honour the day by doing something and writing a few lines about him feels like I have honoured him in the only way I can. My dad was many things, but most of all, he was my dad. I loved him very much. He taught me how to place God first in everything. My dad will not allow us start the day without first saying a big hello to Jesus. The early morning devotions were of high priority and this really helped in building the strong family peace and unity that we experienced. A family that prays together stays together....
Enclosed is a detached piece of paper that I found in Baba's Bible. I wanted to type it out but on a second thought; I felt it would be better to post it in its original format. May God bless you in Jesus Name, Amen.
Read and enjoy Baba’s thoughts.
Grace Amara Obaigbona.

March 14th 2012 DEVOTION
BABA :3 Years in mind today.
The word Trust was heavily laid on our minds during the morning devotion today. My Mum emphasised on the need to place our absolute trust in God.
"Some trust in chariots, and some in horses; But we will remember the name of the Lord our God" (Psalm 20:7).
“It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man”. (Psalm 118:8)
Today as we remember Baba, the objective of our focus should be God. We should recognise that God can use any one to meet us at the point of our needs but trusting God alone for help and happiness is the ultimate.
As my father would always say during the early morning devotions: trust and obey God; for there is no other way to be happy in Jesus than to trust and obey..... This is the key to the secret of happiness in life.
Today, as we remember Baba, let us stay courageous and focused!
"You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on you, Because he trusts in You'" (Isaiah 26:3).
"And those who know Your name will put their trust in You; For You, Lord, have not forsaken those who seek You" (Psalm 9:10).
"Those who trust in the Lord Are like Mount Zion, Which cannot be moved, but abides forever" (Psalm 125:1).
Do not place your trust in weapons, in riches, in yourself, in man, in governments or in the lying words of a godless society. Put your trust in God.
Psaumes 125
1Ceux qui se confient en l'Éternel Sont comme la montagne de Sion: elle ne chancelle point, Elle est affermie pour toujours.
2Des montagnes entourent Jérusalem; Ainsi l'Éternel entoure son peuple, Dès maintenant et à jamais.
3Car le sceptre de la méchanceté ne restera pas sur le lot des justes, Afin que les justes ne tendent pas les mains vers l'iniquité.
4Éternel, répands tes bienfaits sur les bons Et sur ceux dont le coeur est droit!
5Mais ceux qui s'engagent dans des voies détournées, Que l'Éternel les détruise avec ceux qui font le mal! Que la paix soit sur Israël!
Enjoy the music below from South Africa